
Note for assembling:

  • You can only run the car if the battery is charged, which takes approximately 90 minutes
  • Make sure the Servo Pin is connected to pin 9
  • When assembling the holders for the wheels, make sure it goes through
  • The car requires a little bit more speed to turn than going forward
  • Make sure to not lose any screws and nuts, some nuts and screws have more than enough, but some have EXACTLY as many for the car
  • When plugging the wires in the Arduino board, the ground pin is where, most of the time, the black wire goes to
  1. Assembling
  • Assemble the car as follows in the official video: (opens in a new tab)

    • Install the back motor
    • Install the bearings into the rod, then install the rods onto the board, making sure that the screws go through the holes that is blocked, the holes that are not blocked are meant for the wheels
    • Optional: Peel off the white sticker on the UNO board, it makes it easier to assemble the car as you can see through it
    • Install the circuit parts as follows in the video, make sure that the two front motors are installed on different sides, the blue one is installed up, while the orange one is installed down
    • The sensor is installed upside down, so it faces opposite the blue motor
  • For the Arduino board:

    • Remove jumper caps on ENB-D6, IN3-D9, IN4-D10
    • Connect back motor to either K1 or K2
    • Connect battery box to PWR1 (red box)
    • Connect volt meter to Motor Shield V1.1
    • Connect orange motor to D9
    • Connect blue motor to D10
    • Connect tracker sensor, with 7 pins, to Motor Shield V1.1 (7 blue pins on top right corner)
    • Connect ultrasound sensor, with 4 pins, to Motor Shield V1.1
  1. Installing software
  • You can download Arduino IDE here: (opens in a new tab)
  • When you open the software, go to Sketch -> Include Library, and make sure there is a library called Servo, if there isn't, go to Manage Library and download the Servo package
  • In later sections, if you download the code from the original Osoyoo website, you will also need to install a PWMServo library package. We found that it is not necessary, the Servo package works equally well, so you only need one of these two libraries.
  • Before you upload your code to the car, make sure that you go to Tools -> Board -> Arduino Uno to select the correct Board
  • Go to Tools -> Port to select the correct Port, the one with the Arduino listed.

Here is how all the parts work:

  • Blue motor: controls the ultrasound sensor (the cat face)
  • Orange motor: controls the steering of the wheels
  • Back motor: controls the speed of the car (+ and -)
  • Volt meter: small board with 3 digits, measures how much voltage is put in
  • Tracking sensor: senses differences in color underneath it, which is represented in the five LEDs
  • Ultrasound sensor detects objects by sending out sound pulses and receiving their echos
  • Wifi module: lets your car connects to Wifi internet, or let the car acts as a Wifi hotspot
  • Bluetooth module: lets your car communicate with other devices at 9600 baud rate
  • The Arduino board is where all the commands are read, processed, and sent to the other parts